A true master can channel great energy into a single slice of cornbread. Not everyone possesses the discipline and tactics needed to create this ancient combination of both chili and cornbread, which together creates an alchemy that can rattle your enemies and embolden your allies. For some reason, you have decided to set foot upon yet another path I have laid out before you. I do not expect you will succeed. Few do, and your discipline is clearly lacking. In fact, it would be wise to stop reading this right now. Turn away. Do not learn the ancient secrets of cooking ridiculously good chili. You are still here? Very well. Perhaps I can try to test what you are made out of. Understand, that if one ingredient is off, if there is too much cumin or the wrong texture of bean, your chili will be forfeit. You must walk 1,000 km home. A route of shame where you also suffer a 60% chance of being eaten by wolves. If you believe your form is excellent, then proceed forward. You will enter my chili and cornbread arena. We shall see what happens next. Proceed by purchasing the book above. Available on paperback, Kindle or your web browser, for those truly lazy apprentices.